Friday, March 11, 2011

Neckermolen and Dog in a Basket

The weather has been gorgeous the last  few days, and I finally took advantage of it by biking out to the Neckermolen. This 17th century windmill is the closest one to my home in Purmerend, and a very nice one at that. I biked along the dike, little ducks and coots, and huge honking geese floating along. This was also the first time out on the bike for a long ride with Atlas in the dog basket. He had been arguing with me about sitting down, and finally decided to try and dive off of it, and I think he learned his lesson, as the basket went with him, and he had a fun moment hanging upside down from the bike. I will say, he sat very nicely on the ride back.
The Neckermolen was built in 1632, has a thatched roof, and still works. It is owned and operated by the Water Authority. When I went by, the garden was being tended by an older couple.
It was a great ride, and the sky was an unbelievable blue. Atlas was also a hit when we went into town, many people pointed him out and said "vos!".

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I had to smile at the story of Atlas and his basket! :)

    The windmill is amazing!
