This is a protected wood, with big gorgeous trees, bright yellow fall leaves, orange and red berries bright against a chartreuse background. G tried to explain that it was a place for rain water to be filtered into sweet water for drinking. It is actually right next to the beach, but we didn't make it that far today. What we did was take Atlas for a nice long walk, which would have been lovely in itself, but there were some fun surprises too.
A few miles through the woods, it opened up into scrub and pasture land. We heard a strange sound, like an alien attack or something, and saw something huge rise above the trees. OMG RUNNN!
Luckily, it was just a pair of gliders being pulled up by a huge cable. I have never seen gliders take off and it was really neat, just like a giant kite. They are so quiet and graceful. The flights only last about 7 minutes, and then they land in the same spot, are towed back, and get ready for another launch.
After watching a few launches, we headed on, and the walk opened up into more pasture land, and the first animals we see are Highland Cows! I love those fuzzy guys.
Just beyond their pasture(after a few close moments with Atlas and an electric cattle fence), the Nederlander spotted a little cabin, and wondered if we could get a hot chocomel, which instantly grabbed my attention, as I will be happy to trek some miles for a hot chocomel (met slagroom!).
It was a very cute little farm house, in the middle of nowhere, decorated with lots of highland cows and draft horse tack, and housing a very busy cafe! Lots of woods walkers looking for a hot chocomel I guess. G had Snert, which is a really fun word for pea soup. It was really yummy.
We sat outside for a bit, enjoying the wood fire, and letting Atlas talk to the donkeys.
The walk back was also really nice, sunset colors in the clouds, and the temperature dropping. It was a great day and I look forward to returning. Now to find some woods closer to the house so I can get into the trees more often.
Thank you for sharing this, April!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading Mary! :)