Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Belated Arrival Story!

Well, we made it. After a nearly missed flight, fighting with the flight attendants to make sure MY dog is on THIS plane (he was), and struggling with two luggage carts bogged down with three pieces of luggage and one dog crate, we were met by my Sweet Nederlander, holding a rose, with a full TV camera crew in tow!! It was quite a welcome!
The story with the camera crew: The Dutch seem to really love their dramatic reality shows, and the crew that met us was with Hello Goodbye. They wander around Schipol Airport looking for people with fun stories about who they are greeting/saying goodbye to. I wonder if we will make it on, because to be honest, I was so exhausted I didn't put on much of a show! But to finally see my sweetheart, and be in his arms again was very very wonderful. I really didn't even notice the cameras until well after I probably should have(or maybe it was all the media training I have had, beating it into me to ignore the camera!!).
To be honest, I really only had eyes for my sweetie. Yes, his mom and friends were there, and I was glad to see them, but I just wanted to hold and be held by my liefje. All this waiting was finally over, and I was with him, holding his hand, walking Atlas through the airport, into the cold air of Holland, and onto a different life.

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